Exam is OVER!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Woah. This few weeks have been staying at home mugging, doing the same routine with different modules to clear and finally its over!TIME TO PARTY!!!
Plus, Im really looking forward to this HOLI!
Since im not representing for SP team anymore, it means i got more time for myself. Will want to make use of this time to work and earn money!! Still in the progress of looking for jobs, anyone with good intro? Requirement is simple.. Work is easy, Pay is good, Flexible time.. Not hard right?
Oh ya, not forgetting my long time no-touch FYP! Just by typing these 3 letter words make me sian 1/2 liao, so u can imagine HOW SIAN it is, but no choice.
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Saturday, August 29, 2009
Damn sad.. I failed my BTT afterall.. F***! I thought it was really easy and the worst thing is i dont even know where did i got wrong.. Man.. Really spoiled my mood for the rest of the day.. Need to wait for another 2 more weeks. =(Dinner at BAS's coffeeshop, celebrating ShingChoon's birthday then went geylang for durian. Eventually, home. *Sign.. Still have 1 more paper to go.. Got no motivation to start. Exam period suck big time!!
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Exams!!!Next mon will be my 1st paper. Followed by thursday( 2 papers), and FRIDAY (BTT).. haha. Hopefully can pass it once..
Been feeling unwell since monday.. On the verge of falling sick.. But i still have many things yet to study.. =( *Telling myself not to fall sick.. This is truly "Headache, Heart no strength, Pocket no money"
I want to do well for this sem cuz the result will be sent to Uni.
And pray my GPA dont drop as much..
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Saturday, August 8, 2009
Alright. POL-ITE ended.Well.. We lost to NYP by 8 points, as expected.. And this match marked the last game that i would be having as a representative of SP. Recounting all the trainings and hardships that i'd been through, it was still an experience whether it was good or bad..
P/S : Not sure who or anyone of you can see this, but I hope the rest of you can put in effort in the upcoming IVP.
Anyway, despite of the "little" playing time that i had, i appeared in redsport!! *lol.

Wa.. This guy jumped so high.. Im already boxing him out!!!

If this pic is clearer, i whld put it on my wallpaper!!!
Of course these 2 are not from redsport.. The quality is so much diffirent.. A friend of mine shot it.. (Many thanks to you and you took the trouble to upload it on FB)
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Friday, August 7, 2009
POL-ITE UPDATES..Ever since we lost to RP, we are in a losing streak.. Straight lost to TP and ITE.. Coming up next will be NYP.. Not sure whether can win.. But sadly, this year SP will be the last in POL-ITE.. =(
During this 1 week, things had been happening..
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