Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Finally an off day for me. Been a long time since i can wake up at 1pm in the afternoon and do things in my own pace. At times, i prefer a quiet environment, slow down abit and think about how things are going on in my life. And I bet everyone do right?Work is ok for me, as there isn't much to do except for long standing hours. Eventually when there is no business, you get tired and your mind started to lose concentration (mostly stoning there while mind wondering off to somewhere), etc.
Yesterday, driving was bad. Wasn't able to stay focus cuz of the stupid radio, telling a life story of a NBA player. Didn't really remember much of the details but kena scolded by the instructor. Just imagined i was half listening to the radio and half listening to the instructor? HOW DANGEROUS! Next time i would want to request to the instructor to OFF the radio.
In anyway, i feel my blog is a little too dim/dark or whatever, make people think that im such an emo guy. But in fact, i wasn't, if you know me better. Will change it if i find the time.
So that's all folks, bye~
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1st match
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Yeah! Won the first match. And 3 matches to go.. Didn't really perform good, but i will buck up!Guess my job is taking a part of my life away.. Because of it, i had to skip trainings.. And i felt bad cuz i did not really put in as much affort for this competition as compared to Milo cup's U19. Blame myself for poor time management.. =(
Oh ya.. today is my beloved mum's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!! If you all realized, my mum's birthday got the same date as as mine!! Such conincidence!! lol.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Consecutive working for 3 days is a killer. Legs got tired, eyes got dried. After break, the hardest part is to stay awake. Carbo working in your stomach, making you feel sleepy. Anyone with good suggestions where i can take a little nap in Taka?Its my off day today and tml will be our 1st match of Wai wei. Stay calm and have composure. This is what im telling myself.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
My current life updates..Managed to get a job at CK's Jeans - Taka. Saturday will be my first day of work.
Competitions are round the corners and i hope we will do better this time.
FYP is going to have a final demo and will be in SPINNOVEX in no time.
I guess i will have a hectic schedule ahead.. Just pray that im able to pull through these stuffs and still be alive..
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The Thailand Trip
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Photos captured during our rocking climbing day!!

Our climb at Railey Island!

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Start of a driving journey
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fell sick yesterday. Running nose and non-stop coughing are IRRITATING!! Hate the feeling of being weak. =(((Despite of the illness, I still passed my BTT and officially can get a PDL for driving. *Whoo. Yet, i still have a long way to go.. *A lesson learnt - Never take BTT/FTT during exams period, cant concentrate*
Anyway, today is both my ex-basektball teammates' birthday,Yaonan and Richard. So wish u all a happy 19th birthday!! All the best!! =D
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hey! I'm Back!Decided to cut short for everything to 1 phrase.. it was "as smooth as TOFU". haha.
Firstly, we got the chance to sit the more expensive seats of the tiger airway, while we just have to pay the normal price, like $5?(is back and forth) Secondly, while we were driving to Ao-nang(Krabi), we almost lost our way many times, but still we made the right decision many times. Lastly, the weather is so good during our stay there, except for the last day, it rained heavily while we were heading back to the airport. Pictures aren't out yet.. Stay tuned. =P
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a sobering thought
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Just came back from Alvina and Sherilyn's farewell and bithday party. Had a few drinks but still sober. Had fun there. Alvina will be going to US for 6 months.. Kind of sad just by thinking of it, but will miss her.. and our "cousins' meeting". BYE ALVINA!!!After a few more hours and i'll be heading to Phuket for 4 days! Kind of excited though. With the accompany of ChenYe, Gaston, and Marcus, I think it will be fun too. Thanks to Shifu, who told me there will be another tsunami coming.. I prayed hard that this is only a rumour, even though I think it's quite impossible. But shit happens.. Who knows?
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The last house on left
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Went to watch this movie, "The Last House On Left". Really bored.
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