Sunday, September 26, 2010
All that I'm after, is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you :)
(why they resize my picture until so weird, and the resolution became so poor!! :()
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
When I see you face, there's not a thing that I would change, cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile ♥
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Thursday, September 9, 2010
Omg I just read ALL your blog posts hahaha like from the very first one onwards. Because I was having cramps and hence was practically immobile plus couldn't sleep cause too painful then I read read read (I didn't come here with the intention of reading all it just happened) read read till now my cramps are gone!! Hahahah it was a good distraction I think! And you have so little posts so can finish reading all in like 45mins?!Omg you've grown so much over the past one year plus, since you started blogging here! Awwww I'm so prouda you bunny. And you're sooooooooo cute now (not that you weren't cute last time, you were! But you've grown to become so much cuterrrrrr hehe melts) and I really have to say.. your grammar vocabulary and language have become simply outstanding!! Hahhaha I'm so amused by all your blog posts, can't believe I even read all! Highly entertaining plz why are you so cute srsly?
Haha k we've reached the halfway mark, 4 more days till you leave the jungle babe, 5 more to seeing you! Can't w8 xinfinity
And yay I'm not gonna study today I'm gonna give myself a one day break, ok gonna sleep now jungle boy bye! Love love love you :)
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Been far away for far too long
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Okay so, this is the third day we've gone completely without any communication. 5 more to go. I miss you bb, but imma wait patiently for you :) I really hope you're doing okay, I love you sweetheart come back quick plz miss you ttm faintzzz :( hugs k byebye
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Hi bunz. I miss you like hell srsly. Can you come out of the jungle now? Omg there's still 6 more days!! Ugh. And I have 3 papers left. Time is taking forever to pass this week sigh :( I wonder what you're doing now, hope you're doing fine! And just now I was thinking, sianz your POP and block leave are during my internship period, and I can't take leave! Sigh sad ttm xinfinity plz sighhhhhhh sigh sighhhhhhhhhhh :'( k it's okay we'll work something out like we always do :( haha very sad. I think this one month plus the time we've spent tgt is less than the tome we used to spend in one week, like maybe before all these haha oh well. Okay gotta go eat dinner then study again. Miss you much!! I pray this week passes more quickly :( I love you bb, can't wait to see you next week. Or just talk to you really. I think I'd be contented with just talking to you or texting you now. Haha with zero communication at all, I'd definitely be contented with just that. K luvvvvvvv you cutie pie ♥♥♥
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